Criminal Defense and Personal Injury Attorney in Reno, NV
Again, I have been practicing criminal defense law, worker's compensation law, and personal injury law for over 26 years now and I was a Washoe County public defender for 5 years. Those are "dog years." I represented almost 5 times the number of clients I now represent in private practice. It is experience that cannot be duplicated. I have more experience in those five years than most private criminal defense attorneys have in their entire career. Consider this, if I can represent the indigent, the mentally ill, and those who are so severely strung out on drugs they cannot hold a job and still win, then imagine what I can do for you.
I was NOT a prosecutor. My clients sometimes took the stand for the first time. I rarely had a favorable witness who had been on the police force for 20 or so years and testified in 500 trials. I did not have the crime lab analyzing my evidence and testifying for me. Instead, the above is a list of my adversaries. Again, there is no experience like that of being public defender.
When I was a Washoe County public defender, I once had a private attorney remark, "I have never won a trial without putting my client on the stand." Having won many trials on behalf of clients whose criminal histories prevented them from testifying, I responded "That is funny, because I never had the opportunity to put a client on the stand."
No one answers my phone but me. When It rings I answer. After 5 p.m., on weekends, and when you have law enforcement contact. So if you are looking for a criminal defense attorney in Reno, NV or any other county in Nevada, call me.