Criminal Defense and Personal Injury Attorney in Reno, NV
About Me
I am a proud graduate of both the University of Oregon, where I received my undergraduate degree in Journalism, and of Gonzaga University School of Law, where I earned my Juris Doctorate degree. I have been practicing criminal defense law, worker's compensation law, and personal injury law for just over two decades now and have represented people on every imaginable charge.
I was a felony deputy public defender in Washoe County, Nevada for over 5 years and represented an extremely high number of clients. I was assigned clients with every type of felony and misdemeanor charges. I was not a public pretender. Instead, I focused on obtaining experience and developing my craft. I went to trial and I won. I recognize that this may not be the norm.
But, enough with the resume. You are NOT looking for experience; you are looking for creativity, intellect, talent and fight! Terrell Owens was arguably the best wide receiver in the NFL his first year in the league. Not because of his experience, but because of his intellect, talent, and work ethic. Come see me, meet me, and evaluate me for yourself in person.
You are also looking for honesty. You can trust me. I see the humor in the slogan: "Trust me I am a lawyer". Well you can trust me. My roots are blue collar roots. I do not spend money I do not have. My assets are income producing assets and you will not pay for a fancy car, fancy dinners or an extravagant lifestyle. In other words, you can expect a reasonable and fair retainer fee not because I am an inferior attorney but because I am honest and fair.